Safety - Responsive MultiPurpose Blogger Template

Safety - Responsive MultiPurpose Blogger Template
Safety - Responsive MultiPurpose Blogger Template

Safety is a modern, clean, flexible, elegant and mobile ready responsive multipurpose blogger template. It’s perfect for creating high quality blog, portfolio, magazine, news, photography etc. It is very easy to use, easy to customizable and very easy to set up all of the Widgets All of the Features.

• 100% Responsive
• Unlimited Iconic Font
• 4 Blog Layout Ready
• Responsive Ad Widget
• High Quality SEO friendly
• High Quality Image Optimize without crop
• Dynamic website coding
• Unlimited Colour Customization
• Unlimited Iconic Font
• Professional Look Jquery Dropdown Menu
• Cool News Ticker
• Social Widgets
• Multi Tabs Widgets
• Recent Post Widget
• Recent Post by Label Widgets
• Recent Gallery Widgets
• Random Post Widgets
• Cool Popular Posts Widgets
• About us and Mail Subscriber Widgets
• Related Post Widgets
• Cool Contact Us Page
• Cool Blogger Threaded Comment
• Support Disqus and other online comment platform
• Custom 404 error page
•  Professional Admin Layout


Hopefully article about Safety - Responsive MultiPurpose Blogger Template useful for Om Goegel loyal readers. Know more about me, please read more on WHO AM I? page. Great thanks.

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1. Hindari komentar SARA, porno, atau melanggar HAM
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3. Link tidak jelas serta mengarah ke pelanggaran kode etik dan hukum yang berlaku adalah HARAM disini
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5. Penulis memiliki hak untuk menolak/menghapus komentar yang dianggap melanggar pasal-pasal di atas

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